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KUHS GallerY - 1

Here are some pictures from KUHS...

KathmandU UniversitY HigH SchooL


Kathmandu University High School, KUHS, established in 1998 is a non-profit making school owned and directed by Kathmandu University. Located on a small hill, two miles south of Dhulikhel on the hinterland of Banepa- Sindhuli Highway. The school add beauty to the natural scenery of snow clad mountain ranges and green forests surrounding the historic town of Dhulikhel...


RoaD To KUHS...


OuR Computer Lab with 24 hrs Radiolink InterneT...


ParentS DaY PreparatioN !!!


ClasS X: Behind the Gal's tolieT...


FirsT PrincipaL of KUHS: AdiaN WarloW (BritisH)
